We also offer Tractor mounted high speed turf Dethachers, WOODBAY TURF TECHNOLOGIES, for use on sports fields, race tracks and equestrian arenas-Horse Racing tracks, Polo fields and Show Jumping facilities, Cricket, Rugby, Baseball, Aussie Rules, Gaelic Football, Hurling, Field Hockey grounds and more. Our Dethachers also Help immensely to Maintain quality of synthetic turf.
Look at our heavy duty tractor mounted and walk behind vertical core aerators, from GROUNDSMAN INDUSTRIES LTD, UK, that use Crank Driven Elliptical Plunge Action Aeration Mechanism, these are capable of working depths up-to 6 inches deep for year round thatch removal, drainage and a host of year round renovation of the turf, to make your grasses healthy, lush and green.
Most of our PERUZZO Tractor Mount Mowers, Mowers cum Collectors can be used for vertical cutting of grasses to promote a healthy turf and growth of grasses